This release adds a package for Ubuntu 20.10, and fixes various layout problems on Linux distributions that use the GTK 3 backend for the user interface. The decoding is accelerated by a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and provides real-time playback of 2k Digital Cinema Packages (DCP) or sequences of J2K images. Just as the basic version easyDCP Player is the easyDCP Player, a JPEG 2000 decoding software, created for the use of post produktion facilities and digital cinema produktions. Download easyDCP Player - Modern-looking application which enables you to easily play and watch DCP files, view metadata and access well-organized Help contents. NeoDCP Player v3.63 – added option to define color space for subtitles and more Decem3:53 pm NeoDCP Player v3.62 released.
Because of the floating license model, FinalDCP Player is a must have, since the program can be used on any computer in a network, whilst using the laptop as a dongle.
If you just want to check that you are distributing the right DCP or need a quality check for audio sync and color accuracy, the FinalDCP Player is quite the perfect solution.